Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What Next...

So we know a lot of stuff what a BA does... and actually stuff he needs to carry on his job and all that.. but is it easily understood for some one naive towards all those jargons?? to be honest a couple of years back i would have been baffled if some one asked me what RUP was or JAD session.. or WBS / Use Case / UML... all that was something i hadnt heard.. but then i did.. and i learned.. and boy dont i like it now...

Any How lets discuss all the stuff i mentioned a BA does point by point and am sure i'll be helping some folks who might wana have a brief tutorial for Business Analyst...

Lets begin with the Role of Business Analyst...


At Sunday, November 16, 2014 11:51:00 PM, Blogger Arjya said...

Hi Vijay - Came accross your blogs while searching for related information on internet. I like the way you had given explanations for each topic. It is simple and easy to understand. One question which has bothered me often is the difference between URS and FRS. To many it is synonymous as most of the times the URS contains the Functional Requirements. But some would like that both are separate and an FRS to be more detailed. I would request you to share some of your experience and how to tackle such questions - what would you answer in a similar situation.


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